THE MOOD: Pave with Purpose

Somewhere along the way, we might have lost our direction – for within our recent astrological weather, there were few straight lines to be found. February points us towards a path, reorienting our vision and offering a renewed sense of direction. This month, all the planets are direct, having moved out of their retrograde spirals. It’s been a long time since all the planets have been moving forward, and in this moment, we may find our movements stronger, more grounded, and less languished. Let’s thank the gods of direct motion!

Of course, no cosmic alignment hands us all the answers or fixes all our problems, but this kind of energy gives us a foundation to act with purpose, intention, and direction. The Mood of this month is steady and visionary. We are moving beyond the motivations of our ego in efforts to achieve something greater than ourselves. With nearly all the planets in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, we are making a world – one, perhaps, that recognizes the magic that exists in all things. The biggest of the big picture perspectives await us.

This is not to say that this motion, this month, this Mood will be easy – in fact, there is much building and hard work to be done. On February 4, the Sun conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius, crystallizing our ideals and laying down some illuminated (and perhaps rather quirky) foundations on which we will build. Paired with an innovative Mars trine to Uranus on February 6, this month kickstarts the process of building the container within which more amorphous majesties can manifest. It is a time to create the organization that holds and sustains our most fluid emotions, dreams, and aspirations.

By mid-month, flashes of brilliance sparkle in our peripheral vision to help guide the way. On February 11, Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn for the third and final time, unlocking a deeper understanding that words matter, and that words are matter – indeed, they are material for transformation and transmutation and must be used responsibly. When Mercury moves into Aquarius on February 14, messages move from the underworld to outer space, and our understandings get freaky and freaking genius. It’s perfect for revolutions and revelations.

Amidst these movements and messages, Venus and Mars ride alongside each other for the second half of the month. In Capricorn, their flirtation is wordless, showing care in the most practical and unsentimental of ways. However, they make our efforts easier, uniting what we pursue with what we are drawn to. Like two poles of a magnet, simultaneously pushing and pulling against the other, this transit encourages us to find ease in the highest orders of integration and alignment. As we work and as we build, ask: What makes the most sense now, given what we have done already? What can – and will, if we let it – settle into place almost effortlessly, because we’ve laid the appropriate groundwork? By the end of the month, we have what we need to fill the container that we have made – from which we can overflow, gorgeously.

Candace Kita