THE MOOD: Pollinating the Profound

As we enter May, we relish in the lingering moments of Taurean luxury and begin to embrace new, fast, and fresh energy. These final moments of spring are not to be wasted, and Gemini will make sure of that!

In Taurus, we soaked in the spring sunshine, drenching ourselves in perfumed solar sweetness; in Gemini, we buzz and sparkle, becoming little suns ourselves. As Mercury and Venus enter Gemini early in the month, we spread our solar power in a frenzy of being. Like butterflies released from a cage, we may find ourselves flitting, fluttering, and whirring, voracious for spontaneity and variety -- all fast talk, no-commitments kisses, and insatiable curiosity. This energy is designed for experimentation, so use it to sample different ideas and play with different ways of connecting with one another. Gemini is the great pollinator -- and perhaps the ultimate casual dater -- and to honor this archetype, try a little bit of everything and don’t stay in any one place for too long. 

Sometimes, Gemini can feel scattered, nonsensical, and unfocused. However, its trial-and-error approach helps us gather information on what feels good, what feels right, and what makes us feel light and free. Mid-month, Mercury and Venus’ conjunctions to the North Node ask us to reflect deeply on this data: What experiments fueled our levity and our learning? What did we pollinate that we want to grow within us? Most importantly, how are we evolving towards becoming our highest and brightest beings who can invite in more options for ourselves, not less? When Jupiter -- a planet that knows abundance well -- makes its long-awaited entry into Pisces on May 13, it showers us with optimism, hope, and faith to help address these big questions. Thankfully, Jupiter has no problem adding extra juice and a dose of compassion to our messy, yet profound, process of collective evolution.

As we flit towards the end of the month, we may find ourselves with more questions than answers in how to make sense of May’s kaleidoscopic experiential collage. If a cleanup crew is needed for any of Gemini’s less-than-successful experiments, Saturn offers a helping hand to put things back together, while acknowledging that there is no learning without some foibles and fumbles. Yet while Saturn may take care of any material messes, we may also briefly find ourselves existentially confused about what it all meant. Did we actually learn anything, or was it all just meaningless chaos? In these moments of anxiety, we are asked to have faith that clarity will come. The pieces will form a picture if you pause, listen, and let them.

Candace Kita