In the spirit of lazy summer days, vacations, and beach reads, I’m offering an abbreviated Mood this month, in the form of a list of “preparations” inspired by key August transits:

  1. The explosive Uranus-Mars-North Node pileup in Taurus on August 1

  2. The Sun and Venus moving through Leo, which square the Uranus-Mars-North Node pileup, oppose Saturn in Aquarius, AND trine Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, taking place throughout the month

  3. Mars’ entry into Gemini on August 20

Enjoy! 🌞

Prepare for sun.
Prepare for passion.
Prepare for drama.
Prepare for glitter.
Prepare for fabulous.
Prepare for you – in your full glory.

Prepare for choices.
Prepare for upsets.
Prepare for drama.
Prepare for selfishness.
Prepare for rifts.
Prepare for stumbling – and getting back up again.

Prepare for growth.
Prepare for new skin.
Prepare for deeper knowing.
Prepare for eyes wide open.
Prepare for your gifts to shine – in service to yourself and others.

Prepare for curiosity.
Prepare for ideas.
Prepare for lightness.
Prepare for spontaneity (lol).
Prepare to move – quickly, deftly, boundlessly, buzzily! 

Prepare for all you can, and then
Prepare to throw some plans away, and
Just P L A Y

Candace Kita